Friendi App - Helping Families Survive thrive With Autism

“Children with Autism can’t always advocate for their own needs. The Friendi App empowers guardians to advocate for them.”

So What Can Friendi Do For Me?

Friendi is the “everything you ever wanted” social media app for guardians who care for a loved one with Autism.

A Spectrum Of New Possibilities

The Friendi world is inclusive, and it fits in your pocket. Job postings, housing, services, events, community and friends for your child. What’s better than that?

Gain A Real Sense Of Community

When people connect, amazing things happen. Friendi believes that technology should serve the networking needs of ALL individuals. Create and share posts and pictures, comment on others’ posts, and start conversations within minutes.

Help Your Child Become More Independent

Answer a series of questions that will provide you with some insight on your child’s current level of independence. Work with your child on their independence, one step at a time. As your child becomes more independent, more opportunities become available for them.

Find Local Friends and Service Providers

Create a secure profile for yourself and your child. Friendi then matches you to other local parents and services. With Friendi, you become your child’s friend-finder. 

The "You Are Not Alone" Experience You've Been Waiting For

That’s right, a page just for guardians to connect and share. Because some people just don’t understand what it really means to have a child with Autism.

Lastly, Autism-Friendly Events. Ready To Sign Up?

Gain access to Free “Friendi Inclusion Events” and other Autism-friendly gatherings that are happening near you. Let the fun begin!

Why is Friendi App So Important?

"Children with Autism can't always advocate for their own needs. The Friendi App empowers guardians to advocate for them."

What Our Friends Say

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$1 Month

What's a Friendi Lifeline?

All it takes is $1 a month to help keep Friendi independent and growing. By becoming a Friendi Lifeline member, you will ensure the future of Friendi and allow us to expand our services.

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